Few people give much thought to their vision until they begin to experience problems with their eyes. This is unfortunate, as there are many eye conditions that can be circumvented with a simple solution: proper eye care.

Simple Indoor/Outdoor Fixes

While the thought of preventing eye disease can be intimidating, the truth is that there are many simple ways to protect your eyes and avoid potentially debilitating and expensive diseases.

For instance, if you live in or near Boulder — the outdoor mecca of Colorado — wearing sunglasses with UV protection while outdoors can be instrumental in preventing the development of cataracts and other conditions such as macular degeneration. If you play sports, you should also be careful to shield your eyes with gear like goggles, which are designed to provide protection without causing distraction or impeding athletic efforts.

Indoors, air conditioners and furnaces can create atmospheric conditions that may dry out the eyes, so it’s important to have a humidifier to keep this from happening. Lubricating eye drops may also help prevent eyes from becoming irritated due to lack of moisture.

Learn Your Eye Health History

Have you ever talked to your parents about their eye health? It might seem like an awkward conversation, but it can shed important light on vision issues that may crop up in the future.

Patients should make a point of knowing the eye health history of their families, as many eye diseases and conditions are hereditary. This will help to ensure that the eye care professional knows what to watch out for in order to make educated decisions, and accurately treat developing symptoms.

Food as a Foundation for Eye Health

Consuming the right types of food can also have a significant impact on eye health. Carrots and other foods rich in beta carotene have long been considered excellent foods for those interested in maintaining healthy eyes. Other great foods for eye health include kale, spinach, and mustard or collard greens. Foods that contain substantial amounts of Omega 3 acids are also considered by eye care professionals to be excellent dietary choices for those trying to maintain healthy eyes.
A high body mass index or being overweight may also increase chances of developing certain eye conditions, such as diabetic eye disease and glaucoma. Those with a family history of these ailments should discuss the situation with their physician, and work out a plan to maintain a healthy weight level.

Maintain Optimal Eye Health Through Regular Exams

The bottom line is that, if you wish to maintain optimal eye health, it’s imperative to schedule comprehensive eye exams on a regular basis. An open, well-maintained relationship with a family eyecare physician is an incredible asset to you and your family’s well being.

Certain common eye conditions such as glaucoma and macular degeneration can only be detected by a dilated eye exam. Catching these conditions early can help stop them from seriously impairing a patient’s vision. People who have diabetes should also have their vision checked often, so that diabetic eye disease can be caught and treated while it’s still in the early stages.

The importance of regular comprehensive eye exams can’t be overstated: schedule your regular exams, follow your eye health professional’s instructions, and enjoy the best possible vision you can, for as long as possible.