Justin Kanoff, MD

By Justin Kanoff, M.D.

Floaters in your vision are caused by either imperfections or debris in the vitreous jelly of the eye. The main cavity of the eye is filled by the vitreous humor. Light passes through the vitreous on its path to the retina. Over time the uniform nature of the vitreous is interrupted by pockets of fluid and protein; these are the cause of floaters in your vision. An additional, but less common, cause of floaters is the collection of inflammatory material in the back part of the eye.

When new floaters appear in your vision, it is essential to see your eye specialist right away to rule out potentially vision threatening ocular conditions. The most worrisome condition associated with new floaters is a retinal detachment and this can be a surgical emergency.

Most new floaters will subside on their own and no longer be troublesome after a few months. If floaters remain bothersome after six months, then the only definitive procedure to address them is a surgery called a vitrectomy. Like any surgery, a vitrectomy is associated with some risks, so it is important to have an in-depth discussion with your retinal specialist before undergoing a procedure.

The Retinal Specialists at the Eye Care Center of Northern Colorado are available anytime to address all conditions of the retina and vitreous.